When it comes to building a new home, getting the foundations and base of your home right is an important step. Two of the most common types of floor are Raised floors and Concrete slabs – both of which have their own advantages and challenges. We take a look at the differences between the two…
Concrete Slab A concrete slab is typically built on the foundations or directly onto the subsoil, and as the name suggests, concrete is poured and set to the dimensions of the home, creating a large slab that the rest of the home will then be built on. One of the main advantages of concrete slabs is the fact they are generally durable and low maintenance, once they are set they are tough and are not easily damaged by dropping items onto them. However, a big disadvantage is that any pipework has to be pre set into the concrete, and therefore cannot be moved or altered after building. The lack of space under the home also means plumbing and electrical units have to take up space within the home, as there is no room to tuck them away under the home. While it is a matter of taste, the concrete finish is also not to everyone’s taste, and while some concrete floors can certainly look good, others don’t have that homely or traditional styling.

Raised Floors Raised floor are built off of the ground, usually on stumps or piers that support the floor - creating a space under the floor which is useful for many different reasons, including the connection of plumbing and electricity, as well as access for maintenance. The rest of the home is then built or assembled on top of this raised flooring. There are many advantages to having a raised floor – both in terms of the environment and practicality. A raised floor system can help keep your home safe in flood zones, allowing for water to flow under the home. They also are better at regulating airflow throughout the home, meaning it is easier to keep your home warm in the cooler months, and cool in the summer. Another big advantage is the ability to get under the home, allowing for easy access for maintenance of plumbing and electrical systems.
 Here at Manor Homes, we use a raised floor system for our builds as it allows us to offer great flexibility in the design of the home, as well as offering all the advantages we cover above.
Using a raised floor with adjustable piers, also allows us to build on almost any site – we can offset gradients by adjusting the stumps and piers to suit the levels of the site. They also allow home owners with sites that may be prone to soil movement to keep their homes level and in top condition. While the space below the home means we can place pipework and cables almost anywhere, allowing us to offer a much larger degree of customisation to your home.
Our super solid frames and pier system is not just strong and durable, it also allows us to protect your home from water in flood zones, and offer much more variety in terms of finishing, so you can get the perfect style to suit your dream home.
If you would like to find out more about our processes, or how we can help build on your site, please feel free to get in touch, or visit us online!
