Retirement is a season of life that brings with it a lot of adjustment. While many only consider the financial implications of their retirement, lifestyle planning is also important to ensure your golden years are fulfilling. Here are some key questions you should consider when thinking about retirement:
1. Where will you live? Upon retirement, will you want to move to a smaller space to save money on housing and utilities? Would your ideal be a home in the countryside where you can enjoy life’s natural delights? Your home is your most important asset upon retirement, so it’s important to make the right choice. Consider the length of time you want to live in a particular house, so you can have it custom-built for your requirements.
2. How will you spend your time? A significant challenge retirees face is making use of their newly found free time. If you have spent more than half your life working, you may be accustomed to the quick pace of life and sedentary life can be daunting. However, if you plan for it, you could enjoy every moment of your retirement life. Will you do some volunteer work? This is a time that you can find purpose beyond making money and can be of value to society. Would you prefer to you finally start the hobbies you never had time for previously? Having an idea of what you would like to do once you have retired will make all of the free time less overwhelming and more enjoyable.
3. Do you have family you'd like to be more involved with? When you retire, some choose to take on a more active role in organising family activities. Will you be responsible for organising family holidays, outings and events? Will you spend time caring for grandchildren? Considering the role you want to play in your family gives you a sense of purpose and value, both of which are important in a time of great change.
4. How will you look after yourself? Your retirement should be enjoyable but also ideally free from common health issues, so make a plan to stay healthy. Would you consider joining a gym or starting an exercise routine with others in the community? What activities do you enjoy that can also help to keep your mind sharp?
Thinking about the lifestyle you would like to lead and the things that you would like to pursue during your retirement can help you enjoy a life that is both pleasurable and meaningful. |