Manor Homes build to the required bushfire levels to ensure that your home is as protected as possible, if there is a bushfire. In a year that has been full of tragedy in more ways than one, we are happy to report a feel-good story. John and Sonia Evans’ home was built to be protected against bushfires, and this precaution, in addition to the thorough preparation of their property, saved them and their house this year. The Evans’ home at Wandella (near Cobargo) was completed in 2012 by Manor Homes. The house was built to Bushfire Attack Level 1 for the 2012 guidelines, which is now most similar to the current BAL 12.5 (the minimum standard for any new home in a bushfire prone area). On New Year’s Day 2020 it was threatened by the devastating fires with the house being located at the foot of a mountain range – literally a few hundred metres from where fireballs were raging through the dense bush. When the fire front hit, the strong winds created by the fire's weather system were unlike anything the family had ever seen, whipping up ash and dirt and snapping trees more than 20 metres tall as the family defended their property. As a predetermined plan, John and Sonia decided to not evacuate but to stay and defend their home.
In addition to the home’s bushfire protection, John and Sonia were well-prepared to defend their property from a bushfire attack and fortunately their home survived. Eight years after building with Manor, the Evans family are as happy as the day they moved in. Are you looking to build in a bushfire prone area or rebuild after a fire? Manor Homes are experienced in building homes to the designated BAL ratings and offer helpful advice gained from almost 30 years in the industry. Call us for a quick chat today.
Operation Recovery: A story of survival
October 21, 2020 /
Case Studies,
Country Living,
Modular Construction,
Modular Homes,
Building Process,
Home design